We are pleased to announce that WaterAid has joined us as a partner in Uganda to deliver key elements of our SCIF safe water projects, aiming to provide communities in Uganda with reliable clean water. In an initial round we will work closely with communities in regions that currently do not have water close to home, to refurbish 16 existing freshwater boreholes and install a new one, ensuring households have clean water for domestic use and farming. This will reduce the amount of wood needed for boiling water, meaning fewer trees are lost, and also improving air quality in and around homes. All of our projects aim to provide health, socio-economic and environmental benefits that can also generate carbon credits for offsetting, as certified by Gold Standard.
SCIF has chosen to work with WaterAid due to the charity’s extensive experience delivering water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects around the world, including in Uganda. At SCIF we aim to build strong and long-lasting relationships with the communities our projects support, which is why we will work with WaterAid to establish community-led management of water sources. Drawing on WaterAid’s best practices our projects will not only ensure access to clean water, but also promote positive behaviour changes, good hygiene and water management practices. At SCIF, we give special attention to ensuring gender inclusive approaches in everything we do. We know that in many households, women and girls are responsible for fetching water. Having water close to home will free up time, allowing girls and women to focus on their education and income-generating activities.
The first freshwater boreholes will start providing clean water later this year, but our work to build strong partnerships with communities has already started. In November 2022, we led a series of consultations with women and young people, community leaders and technical experts. The new partnership with WaterAid will allow us to strengthen these ties and start delivering health and socio-economic benefits, as well as tackling the negative impacts of climate change.